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The call for submissions follows a continuous flow (permanent call), must be sent through the system through the website, submission area.

Registration in the system and subsequent access, by means of login and password, are mandatory for the submission of works, as well as to accompany the ongoing editorial process. Access, in an existing account or Register, a new account.

Conditions for Submission
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the list of all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

  • The contribution is original, unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication in another journal;

  • The data referring to the authorship of the submitted work were duly registered at the time of submission and cannot be changed after the evaluation process has started, in which case the submission will be filed and returned;

  • The identification of the authorship of the work was removed from the text of the submitted article, as instructed in the Guidelines for Authors, thus guaranteeing the journal's secrecy criterion for blind peer review;

  • The text follows the standards of style and normative and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, and will be rejected if these guidelines are not followed;

  • The files for submission are in an editable version, with a .doc extension or compatible and are mandatorily formatted according to the model available here.


Peer Review Process

After submitting the papers, they will be submitted to the peer / blind evaluation process, respecting the confidentiality of the authors' identification, observing the journal's publication rules.

All works are submitted for evaluation considering the revision standards, maintaining the originality and compliance with the rules established in the Guidelines for authors under the supervision of the responsible Editor.

Guidelines for Authors

Mandatory elements are:

  • the title of the work;

  • the name of the author (s);

  • titration;

  • office;

  • Higher Education Institution to which the author is linked;

  • type of publication;

  • Abstract / Abstract;

  • Introduction;

  • Development;

  • Final considerations;

  • References.

  • The text must be sent in a Microsoft Word or compatible file in doc format.

  • The maximum length of the text must be 10, 15 to 20 pages;

  • It should be formatted in A4 size, text in 12 point Arial font, 1.5 line spacing, 2.5 cm margins at the top, base and right side and 3.0 cm on the left side: 3.0 cm.

  • The images must be named containing the respective source at the bottom, and the images are the sole responsibility of the author (s);

  • It is requested to send only one file, when the work is from more than one author;

  • The template used by Revista Mais Educação can be downloaded from the website:

The standards used by Revista Mais Educaçãcan be downloaded from the website:


The texts must contain the following rules:

  • Word file;

  • Arial 12 font;

  • Title in capital letters, bold, centralized;

  • The identification of the author must be made at the beginning of the work, right after the title, in capital letters, bold, aligned to the right, with a footnote containing the title, area of ​​activity and link;

  • Abstracts should not exceed 200 words, with a subsequent indication of 3 to 6 keywords;

  • The abstracts will consist of a paragraph (in block, without first line entry), presenting the main aspects of the introduction, development, results and conclusions of the work;

  • Direct quotation of up to three lines will be inserted in the paragraph in quotation marks. Direct quotation with more than three lines must appear in a separate paragraph, 4 cm from the left margin and aligned with the right margin, presented without quotation marks and with a font size smaller than that of the text; in this case, 11pt is suggested;

  • It must follow ABNT NBR 10520;

  • Notes contained in the article must be indicated with a numeral immediately after the sentence to which it refers. The notes should come at the bottom of the corresponding page;

  • Bibliographic references should be restricted to works effectively cited in the text of the work, in compliance with ABNT rules. NBR 6023/2003. In alphabetic order;

  • The concepts and statements contained in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors, as well as the images (s) inserted in the articles.


Copyright Statement

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right to initial publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons License CC BY, and for publication rights. Authors can publish their work online in institutional / disciplinary repositories or on their own websites

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed to Revista Mais Educação will be used exclusively for the purposes of the processes inherent to its publication, and will not be made available, under any circumstances, for other purposes or to third parties.

Editora Centro Educacional Sem Fronteiras CNPJ: 32.170.155 / 0001-62

Manoel Coelho Street, nº 600, 3rd floor room 313 | 314 - Center - São Caetano do Sul - SP



© Copyright 2018 | REVISTA MAIS EDUCAÇÃO | Centro Educacional Sem Fronteiras

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