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About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Mais Educação is a monthly journal created in a space with wide dissemination of research articles of an inter and transdisciplinary nature.

The objective is to provide the authors, at their different levels and modalities, with the incentive, construction, inclusion and dissemination of productions that contribute to the educational sphere and that become effective with the possibility of sharing multiple knowledges.


The new contemporary demands, as well as the need for the development of competences and skills, presupposes new paradigms that are constituted with innovative practices and exchange of experiences without frontiers, consequently in differential precursors of new ways of being and doing.


In this context, the Revista Mais Educação provides an interdisciplinary opportunity for the wide dissemination of articles focused on emerging paradigms with productions that can develop the intellectual formation and critical reflection of authors.


The concepts, statements and images contained in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors.


Publisher values

  • Authors' satisfaction with editorial protocols and strict publication deadlines;

  • Valuing and respecting the academic community, culture, diversity and interdisciplinarity;

  • Acting in the promotion and construction of knowledge and its sharing, developing with the authors the feeling of belonging and protagonism in their productions;

  • Social responsability;

  • Sustainability.


Publisher Vision

To be recognized as an Institution of excellence and curation in the editorial field, constituting qualitatively in the dissemination of articles in national and international scope.

Target Audience

The Journal's target audience is researchers, teachers. undergraduate and graduate students, members of civil society with relevant thematic contribution, professionals from different areas.


Research Areas

  • Administration

  • Agronomy

  • Science

  • education

  • engineering

  • Environment

  • Health

  • Safety

  • Technology

  • Theology

  • Tourism

  • Zootechnics



Productions that contemplate the aforementioned research areas with characteristics of:

  • Review Articles;

  • Original Articles;

  • Communications;

  • Dissertations;

  • Theoretical Essay;

  • Interviews;

  • State of art;

  • Case Studies.

  • Monographs;

  • Narratives;

  • Review;

  • Abstracts;

  • Integrative Review;

  • Theses.


The manuscripts submitted to the Revista Mais Educação are previously evaluated by the Editorial Committee, which verifies their relevance to the scope of the journal and to the respective proposed section, and submits them to the plagiarism and self-plagiarism verification program. If the practice of plagiarism by the authors is verified in the evaluation phase, the submission must be archived. If plagiarism is identified in an article already published in the journal, it will undergo a preliminary investigation and, if necessary, the Editor-in-Chief will request the retraction of those responsible and permanently eliminate the article from the journals edition. Those responsible for plagiarism will not be able to publish again.


Open Access Policy

The Revista Mais Educação offers free access to its content for free, in line with the principles of democratization of knowledge.

Fees for Processing and Publishing Articles
This journal charges fees for submission, processing and publication of articles (APCs - Article Processing Charges).

Highest fee charged R$ 479.00 (subject to changes in campaigns and updating of amounts)

Content Licensing

The Revista Mais Educação has its content licensed by Creative Commons, under the license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 BY International.

This journal uses the Internet Archive that allows the creation of permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration.

Journal Indexers


Google Scholar - Google Scholar

Normatiza -

ISSN - Revista Mais Educação

e-ISSN: 2595-9611 -

DOI - Revista Mais Educação

10.51778 -

Main Contact

Monica Magalnik

Phone + 55 11 95075-4417



Technical Support Contact

Fatima Ramalho Lhone (Editor - Chief)

Phone + 55 11 97235-4513



Editora Centro Educacional Sem Fronteiras CNPJ: 32.170.155 / 0001-62

Manoel Coelho Street, nº 600, 3rd floor room 313 | 314 - Center - São Caetano do Sul - SP



© Copyright 2018 | REVISTA MAIS EDUCAÇÃO | Centro Educacional Sem Fronteiras

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